List of Delegates from FFTL Member Associations to the FFTL Elective Congress for the Remaining Term 2022-2026
In reference to the FFTL letter dated 13 November 2024, which officially notified FFTL members…
In reference to the FFTL letter dated 13 November 2024, which officially notified FFTL members about the Congress date and venue, and the registration form shared with FFTL members as per Article 26, paragraph 1 of the FFTL Statutes on 28 December 2024, we are pleased to share the finalized list of delegates. According to…
Ho honra boot, liu husi Komite Independente hanesan Komité Eleitorál, Komité Étika e Disiplinar, Komité Auditoria e Konformidade no Komité Rekursu iha Federação Futebol Timor-Leste fó anunsiu ofisiál ba rezultadu hosi prosesu selesaun kandidatura ba kargu Prezidente FFTL no Membru Ezekutivu FFTL. Komité Independente eleito liu husi Kongressu Extraordináriu iha loron 26 fulan Outubru tinan…
English: The Football Federation of Timor-Leste (FFTL) would like to officially notify all stakeholders and members that the FFTL Ordinary Congress will be held on 11 January 2025. The main agenda of this Congress is the election of a new President and one Executive Committee member to complete the current term of 2022-2026. This Congress…
FFTL hakarak anunsiu lista ofisiál kandidatura sira ba Órgaun Independente FFTL (Unidade Auditoria no Kumprimentu, Komisaun Eleitorál, no Órgaun Judisiáriu sira) sei ratifika iha Kongresu Estraordináriu iha loron 26 fulan Outubru tinan 2024. Tuir Artigu 30.12 Estatutu sira FFTL nian, lista kandidatu sira fornese tiha ona ba Asosiasaun Membru sira pelumenus loron 21 molok data…
Referring to the FFTL letter dated 27 August 2024 to officially notify the FFTL members about the Congress date and venue. Also, refer to the registration form, which has been shared with the members of the FFTL as per Article 26 par. 1 of the FFTL Statutes on 17 September 2024. We are pleased to…
We are inviting experienced consultants to join the FFTL Project. If you have the expertise to contribute meaningfully, we want you on board! Details in the following Terms of Reference (TOR) ToR FIFA Projects_compressed and Tender for the Design Consultancy Services & Construction Supervision_compressed. Be part of the change. Apply Now! ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Konvida Konsultór Potensial…
Federacao Futebol dé Timor-Leste (FFTL) sei konvoka Kongresu Estraordinariu iha loron 26 fulan-outubru tinan 2024, iha sede FFTL nian iha Dili. Kongregasaun ida-ne’e sei ko’alia kona-ba asuntu krítiku sira ne’ebé forma futuru bola nian iha Timor-Leste. Data: 26 Outubru 2024 Fatin: TBC Tempu: TBC. —————————————————————————————————————————————————– The Federação de Futebol de Timor-Leste (FFTL) will convene an…
FFTL is thrilled to announce that after careful consideration and evaluation, Waileke Nakadah, Unip.Lda has been selected as our official jersey supplier. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Waileke Nakadah, Unip.Lda for this well-deserved recognition. We look forward to a fruitful partnership that will not only enhance our team’s appearance but also reflect our shared…
Dili, Timor-Leste, May 18, 2024 – Over the course of May 16 and 17, two distinguished delegates from Timor-Leste participated in the 34th Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Congress and the 74th FIFA Congress. The delegates, Mr. Henrique da Costa, a member of the Executive Committee of the Federação de Futebol de Timor-Leste (FFTL), and Mr….
On 15 May 2024, a celebration of grassroots football, the Football Federation of Timor-Leste(FFTL) hosted its inaugural Safeguarding Raising Awareness Initiative, emphasizing the importance of safe play for children. Against the backdrop of cheering fans and enthusiastic young players, the festival served as a platform to instill the principles of care, respect, security, and enjoyment…